Soul Aseema SSC
Carrier Type: Soft Structured Carrier Carrier Manufacturer: Soul Carrier Name: Aseema Carrier Design/Print: Lavender Corallium Carrier Material: Woven Cotton Carrier Size: Adjustable Infant Retail Price Point: $149 Size of Wearee: 1- 6 weeks, 7 ½ pounds, 20 ½ inches, newborn length pants; 2- 4 years, 39 inches, 33 pounds, 4t length pants Age of Wearee: 6 weeks and 4 years Which Lending Library: Saturday Meet Up |
Realistically, I think this newborn setting wouldn't fit well for about another month for this wearer although
there were no complaints. It fit quite well for the big wearee and both of us were comfortable. For the
newborn wearee, I had to put the waistband at my natural waist which meant the lumbar support needed
removed for a snug fit.
The carrier appears bulky but wears solid. I personally enjoy thick straps so I found that very comfortable.
While the sliding panel height adjusters worked perfectly fine, I didn't prefer how they wore and they didn't stay put well in a back carry with big kid.
As a small framed wearer, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Aseema fit and would recommend it
to others as a one and done option.