Emma Wade
Tell us a bit about yourself (where you’re from, what your hobbies are, etc.) I'm from Columbus, and I've lived here most of my life. I'm a big old nerd, and I love to read; I'm currently doing a mass reread of all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld. I go through phases of binge-watching TV shows, although I'm not in the middle of anything right now. Last summer I started running, mostly to give myself some time with no one touching me, but it turns out I actually like it and am not terrible at it. |
I'm a stay-at-home mom, and my younger kid isn't in school yet, so I'm usually hanging out with him. We do toddler gymnastics, library storytime, playground trips when it's not snowing in April... I also do a lot of boring stuff like (endless) laundry.
Tell us about your family (significant other, children, fur children, other pets, etc)
My husband is Jimmy; we've been married for ten years as of this summer! He works in IT at Ohio State. Our big kid is Captain (6), who's in kindergarten this year. The little one is Miles (3), and he'll start preschool in the fall, which means I won't know what to do with myself three afternoons a week! We currently have two cats, Betsy and Mr. Whisker.
When you were pregnant, did you plan on wearing your baby?
Yes! I was a worn baby; my mom had a little lightweight sling she used with me, and I was gifted a Baby Bjorn and a K'tan-style stretchy when I was pregnant with Captain, so that's how I started out. From there, I moved on to SSCs. I branched out a lot with my second (meh dais, woven wraps, occasionally a ring sling, and more SSCs.)
What do you love about babywearing?
I love that babywearing lets me be independent while parenting. I don't drive, so I'm always walking or taking the bus, and strollers just aren't practical for me.
Which one of your carriers do you use the most and what do you love about it?
Right now, it's probably a tossup between my toddler Tula or one of my longer woven wraps. I like buckles for when I know I'll need to chuck my three-year-old onto my back and scoot out the door, but I love the versatility of a woven wrap. If I ask him to pick his uppies, he usually chooses a wrap.
Tell us about your main role within the CBW Leadership Team?
I'm currently the chair of our "SPACE" committee, which is event planning and outreach. I'm the lead for CBW's Friday meetings (Fri-Yay playdate), and I also staff the Saturday meetups.
What additional role(s) do you have within the CBW Leadership Team?
I love teaching intermediate and advanced skills, so you'll usually find me teaching or assisting with mini-lessons and at backwrapping workshops. I'm also involved with training
new leaders, as a mentor and general fount of babywearing knowledge. ;)
What drew you to become a leader for our community?
I've been active with CBW since my older kid was a toddler, and really got into troubleshooting online after my second was born. Once I had one kid in school full day, I finally had the availability to make more in-person meetings, and was encouraged to apply and help teach on a more official basis.
What activity are you most likely to rely on babywearing to get done?
Getting my older kid to and from school. I usually walk (it's about a mile and a half) in the afternoons with #2 on my back. Plus our usual tooling around town: fun activities and errands.
What skill do you hope to master over the next year?
Oh, I don't know. I've been saying for like a decade that I'll learn to drive at some point, and that clearly hasn't happened yet. Babywearing-wise, I have some particularly geeky wrapping skills I'm working on. I'm trying to branch out now that my wrappee is generally compliant.
Any additional information you would like to share?
Um, I also make really delicious banana muffins.