Kayla Williams
Tell us a bit about yourself (where you’re from, what your hobbies are, etc.) I honestly have no really great "where I'm from" place. I was born in northwest Ohio, west of Toledo, but then lived in several cities in the Dayton area for most of my life. Now I live in Pataskala with my husband, cockapoo, and daughter. My hobby is babywearing! But now that my toddler is a toddler... my new hobby is playing lots of toys! I work full-time in Reynoldsburg City Schools as a speech-language pathologist (fancy for speech therapist) for preschool age and K-4 students with multiple disabilities. Because of my line of work, I'm super passionate about reading and playing, so that's mostly all we do around here! |
Well normally I wake up and go to work. I save one kid at a time by teaching them how to communicate :) I absolutely love my job and find it extremely rewarding. Later at home, I share responsibilities with my husband to cook, clean, and do the bedtime routine with our daughter. It's a wonderful life <3
Tell us about your family (significant other, children, fur children, other pets, etc)
I live with my fantastic husband, Steven, who is a mechanical engineer by trade, and father by night. Our first born is Murphy the Cockapoo (cocker spaniel poodle mix). Our hobby with him is dog parkour every week at various parks. Our first human is Adalynn. She will be 3 on February 7th, and is everything we could have ever wanted. She's so kind and loving, goofy and silly, quick learning and inquisitive, and just wonderful. Our second born human is TBD in May!
When you were pregnant, did you plan on wearing your baby?
Yes! I followed all sorts of random home bloggers on instagram (mostly because they make you follow them to enter a contest... and I enter in as many contests as possible) and once came across someone wrapping their baby. I was in awe! Then I saw people out and about at Lowes with their wrapped baby, and I knew I just had to have it. My first carrier was a Moby wrap, but I quickly fell down the rabbit hole!
What do you love about babywearing?
I love the bond it brings my family. I truly believe that my daughter is so sweet and snuggly because she's been snuggled from birth. My other favorite thing is that babywearing actually can calm babies down! Summer of 2017, I took a walk at nap time EVERY.SINGLE.DAY to get Addy to nap. It worked like a charm. We've also used it countless time when she would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. It's been our #1 parenting tool!
Which one of your carriers do you use the most and what do you love about it?
I wish I could say my wraps, but recently, it's been our toddler Kinderpack. Mostly because I can throw her in there while she's screaming and start walking. When she's being cooperative though, we LOVE our wrap, Pavo Keshi. It's a great length and is the only wrap my husband will use. It's strong and sturdy, and very cool to the touch. I love that it can take a sloppy wrap job and make it still comfortable.
Tell us about your main role within the CBW Leadership Team?
My biggest, most time consuming role is the Sunday skills workshop Lead. I book the room, organize the registration form, assign leaders to tasks, and manage all the behind the scenes for the Sunday skills workshop.
What additional role(s) do you have within the CBW Leadership Team?
I am also the chair of the treasury committee, and I am active in our Membership Education and Leadership Training, Social Media and Website, and Fundraising committees.
What drew you to become a leader for our community?
I already knew that I liked teaching, but really, it was a group of really fantastic friends that pushed me into leadership. I basically just wanted to spend more time with them ;) Turns out though, volunteering for CBW was something that was missing from my life and I didn't even realize it! I have always loved volunteering with organizations, and I'm glad I found one that allows me to be a mom and volunteer leader at the same time.
What activity are you most likely to rely on babywearing to get done?
Picking up the house! I mean, seriously. How do people pick up toys if your toddler is following you around taking them back out? Answer: You wrap them up so they can't pull out anything!!
What skill do you hope to master over the next year? (does not have to be babywearing specific but it *can* be)
I'm really looking forward to tandeming a big kid and little kid. So far, I've only done a tandem with two same size kids. I'm looking to branching out! I also never did much nursing in a carrier, due to nursing issues. Hoping this one goes better so I can practice that skill as well!
Any additional information you would like to share:
I'm one of those introverted extroverts. If you see me, say hi! I promise I'm nice to talk to, I just only know how to approach others awkwardly :)