Meghan Harley Yugulis
Tell us a bit about yourself (where you’re from, what your hobbies are, etc.) I'm originally from Toronto (Canada) and immigrated to the USA as a kid. I moved to Columbus as an OSU freshman and decided to stay. I work as a project manager at the Battelle Memorial Institute, a large non-profit research organization have been her for 8 years. Besides volunteering with CBW I'm an OSU graduate student and volunteer throughout Columbus. I've recently completed training with the Center for Babywearing Studies and am hoping to continue to grow those who I can support with babywearing education in Columbus. |
I spend most my day running between meetings, conference calls, and dealing with several hundred emails. Weekends we stay busy we're almost always found at the park and our local Kroger. Plus, swim lessons, a CBW meeting, and activities like the zoo or COSI.
Tell us about your family (significant other, children, fur children, other pets, etc)
Yes! We were rather surprised to find out we were expecting, so I spent 9 months basically reading and buying everything I could think of needing. A local mom added me to CBW in January and I was already fairly far down the rabbit hole by the time Eli joined us in June.
When you were pregnant, did you plan on wearing your baby?
I struggled with the transition to motherhood. We spent 9 months getting used to the idea of being pregnant, and didn't really grasp the idea of things not going back to "normal." Babywearing was a life line, I could successfully get out of the house, my child would sleep while worn, I could go places and attend events. Babywearing was a huge part of finding my new normal, finding a new community, and figuring out how to parent.
What do you love about babywearing?
These days babywearing is still a tool I turn to when Eli is overtired and fighting sleep. It's a go-to for snuggles and closeness after a long day. It also keeps a rambunctious two-year-old contained for grocery shopping, work events, etc.
Which one of your carriers do you use the most and what do you love about it?
I hate this question has it has changed so much over the last 2.5 years! But right now, my Toddler Tula is my go to. It fits us really well and is great for on the go. Ring slings were our first love and to this day Eli brings me a ring sling when he wants uppies.
Tell us about your main role within the CBW Leadership Team?
I am the chairperson for Lending Library, I lead a team of leaders responsible for determining lending library purchases, ensuring carriers are maintained, and analyzing carrier check out data. I work closely with several brands/shops to help acquire donations and discounts to help our library remain current with many newer carriers. I am also the Primary Meeting Leader for our weekend meetings, which means that I handle the registration, leader assignments, general coordination, and act as the point person for any questions about Sunday skills workshops and Saturday Meet Ups.
What additional role(s) do you have within the CBW Leadership Team?
I also support our leader community by mentoring leaders in training and helping to develop our member education and leader training opportunities. One example I hosted and taught Summer Shorties for 2017 to provide an intermediate educational (and fun) opportunity.
What drew you to become a leader for our community?
I've always been passionate about volunteering but many of my past outreach opportunities were not baby- friendly. Being able to volunteer in a community that meant so much to my survival as a new mom with my kiddo absolutely drew me in. I mentioned I'm a researcher, I love knowledge and wanted to know more about babywearing and help others have access to babywearing. CBW leadership felt like an obvious next step.
What activity are you most likely to rely on babywearing to get done?
All of them? Probably grocery shopping. I enjoy incorporating Eli into errands and day-to-day activities. I actually prefer to grocery shop with him than without. It's sort of our thing. We basically start every trip with a snack and him chattering about what 4-5 items HE would like; before I can actually begin my list.
What skill do you hope to master over the next year?
My poor Cow-dog misses being an only child. I'd like to catch up on some activities for her. We used to compete in agility and I'd like to catch back up and re-master the weave poles!
Any additional information you would like to share:
I’m an open book. If you ever want to know something please ask, every need help please ask <3 Myself (and many others) are here to support you.