Bethany Bell Sankey
Tell us a bit about yourself (where you’re from, what your hobbies are, etc.) I'm from Columbus and have lived in Clintonville most of my life. I got my degree in fine arts at CCAD, specializing in oil painting. Although I don't get to do my own art as much as I'd like to now, because I'm usually helping my children with their art projects, I know I'll get back into oil painting one day. What does a day in your life look like with your job/pursuits? I am a stay at home mom to two amazing kids with a 3rd on the way due in May, so my days revolve around getting my oldest to kindergarten and keeping my 3yo busy. We love to get out of the house, going to libraries, the conservatory, play cafes. In the summer we love getting outside and exploring, especially playing in different creeks around the city and at the metro parks. |
I have been with my husband Jason for 17 years, married for 10 years this June. He works in the pharmaceutical industry creating digital experiences for trade shows and sales meetings, meaning he gets to play around with new technologies like virtual reality and figure out ways to make pharmaceutical advertising fun and interesting, lol. We have two kids with a third on the way. Our oldest is Arya she is 6 and in kindergarten and is an amazing artist and so kind and caring. My son Kyan is 3 and we call him our sour patch kid because he's ornery one minute and sweet the next. Our third is a boy due in late May. We also have two cats Cali and Bess.
When you were pregnant, did you plan on wearing your baby?
I planned on wearing when I was pregnant with my first and registered for a Moby and an infantino. I never found the infantino comfortable and never really got the hang of the moby very well. I didn't wear her much until I got a used ergo when she was over a year and realized why spending a little more on an ergonomic carrier made such a difference. I didn't find CBW until I was pregnant with my second and I wore him all the time from birth.
What do you love about babywearing?
What I really love most about babywearing is the convenience. I've always hated pushing strollers because they are so big and get in the way so babywearing allowed me more freedom. The closeness and snuggles are nice too.
Which one of your carriers do you use the most and what do you love about it?
Now with a toddler I use my Beco toddler the most. I find ssc's the easiest and most convenient with my big kid, I can also put my oldest up in it if needed. I also love the ease of ring slings, they just aren't as comfortable with a 35lb kid, but when the new baby comes I plan on using ring slings a lot.
Tell us about your main role within the CBW Leadership Team?
My main role in CBW is keeping up with the wide variety of SSC's so I can teach them at meetings and to help train new leaders.
What drew you to become a leader for our community?
I never really thought about being a leader because I'm a very quiet shy person but a past leader asked if I'd like to and I figured why not, lol, and more than 2 years later I'm still here. It has given me more confidence and made me realize how much I love talking to new mom's about babywearing.
What activity are you most likely to rely on babywearing to get done?
I don't wear a lot right now since I'm pregnant and my 3 and 6yo are big enough to do more walking and are pretty good listeners so I don't worry about them running off. But when they were younger, I used it anytime out of the house, especially in the warmer days when we're out exploring and my son would get tired. Or shopping with multiple kids, I would usually wear the youngest.
What skill do you hope to master over the next year? (does not have to be babywearing specific but it *can* be)
I am looking forward to mastering wrapping with a newborn! I never used a wrap until my son was over a year old. I can't wait to wear a newborn again.