Caitlin Maggard
Tell us a bit about yourself (where you’re from, what your hobbies are, etc.) I'm originally from a little town called Bascom which approximately 2 hours north of Columbus where everyone knows everybody, k-12 in one school building with no police department. My hobbies include spending time with my family, shopping, traveling to Colorado Springs to see my sister, planning family Disney trips as well as watching reality TV shows like Survivor. What does a day in your life look like with your job/pursuits? I'm a stay at home mom and currently while my husband is laid off our days are very much low key in the sense of job duties since there are two of us to two children. Though typically, I sleep until my girls get up for the day and then make breakfast and then get around for the day. Up until Evelyn, our oldest started preschool, we would meet up with friends at The Ohio History Center, The Naz or the Columbus Zoo. With preschool Monday-Thursday now the hours in our day are limited therefore less adventures midweek. |
My husband Justin and I have been married for 4 years. We have two little girls named Evelyn who is 3.5 years old and Eleanor who turned 2 in May. We have a chihuahua named Sophie who currently lives with my mom as we found out Evelyn is allergic to dogs.
When you were pregnant, did you plan on wearing your baby?
I actually didn't plan to babywear with my oldest and even now I forget how I even came across babywearing or why I even borrowed a baby carrier regardless of the past, I continue to babywear but its few and far between as my girls continue through toddlerhood.
What do you love about babywearing?
I love that I can be hands free or that my day can continue despite missed naps. My oldest had a welcome back to school party and the youngest decided to finally take her nap at 6 pm at the start of the party and our trusty toddler kinderpack to the rescue.
Which one of your carriers do you use the most and what do you love about it?
Our most loved carriers would be either our toddler tula, toddler kp and our preschool kinderpack. I love them each for different reasons but I'd say our most used would be our toddler and preschool KP's which is due to them being Disney themed.
Tell us about your main role within the CBW Leadership Team?
My primary role is to staff Monday's skills workshop at Northwest Library.
What additional role(s) do you have within the CBW Leadership Team?
I am also involved in the lending library committee and I have been a Monday co-lead for a short period of time. I eventually stepped down from the Monday co-lead as the unknowns on where my husbands future career both in IT and the military were far to great along with my oldest attending preschool and wanting to be more involved there.
What drew you to become a leader for our community?
I always liked going to the Meet Ups as we well as events like summer shorties and everyone seemed friendly and down to earth. With not being from the area originally and not having many friends let alone parent friends I thought it'd be a great opportunity to get to known people especially those that love baby carriers just as much as I do.
What activity are you most likely to rely on babywearing to get done?
School drop offs and pick ups since they do not have a drop off line and we physically have to walk our daughter inside and to her physical classroom all while our youngest likes to explore big sisters classroom and doesn't want to leave.
What skill do you hope to master over the next year? (does not have to be babywearing specific but it *can* be)
Time management!! We barely make preschool drop off or any other scheduled events in time and every time I say I'm going to leave a few minutes earlier and it never fails that I'm still always late. Babywearing specific, I'd say I want to master the task of using all of the carriers that I own. I have my "go to" carriers leaving an unused, will never sell stack that I need to start enjoying again as I did when my girls were younger.